Monday, December 1, 2008

The Home Stretch

Browns....Blah! Wait till next year!

Heading down the home stretch with classes. I did Issue 7 and it was quite interesting. As I started reading through the different chapters trying to decide which one to do for my topic, none of them really caught my eye. I decided to write about Artificial Intelligence. The scenario in the book did not motivate me that much to find out more about AI, but as I started researching it and writing it became more and more interesting. They have concepts and ideas in the works that will just blow your mind. Really great ideas. I talked about some of them in my paper and on the discussion board as well.

It seems funny to think of a classroom with a "Star Wars" character such as R2D2 teaching the lesson, but in the near future, it could become a reality. Putting a man on the moon seemed like a ridiculous idea at one point in time. So anything is possible. AI in Education is still not at a self-sustaining point in technology that it can replace a human teacher, but it would work perfect in the classroom as a supplement to educational materials.

This week I will type Issue 8. I am going to take a look at Physical Fitness and Technology use. I have a few more things to finish up in my remaining classes and than a nice break! Until next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that AI does seem more interesting the more I read about it. I was watching a TV show about robots that are being designed to deliver pizza. The robot has a map in its "mind", but it can also sense objects in its way, knows when to cross the street, make a turn, increase accelleration roll up a ramp or take a step up on a curb - all based on sensors! And then once it does something the first time, it remembers it! The robot even had a credit card swiper. RObot shows up to your door, your swipe your card, the warmer door opens and out pops your pizza. Crazy!

I hope my teacher is never a robot, but it would be pretty cool if the robot could write notes on the board as the teacher talked or something!